About us

NeuroCorn is an innovative future-facing company. Our Company utilizes data science and machine learning to make applications faster, smarter and easier to use. We help companies to strengthen and modernize business with applications that can automate processes and reshape products and business models.

NeuroCorn has a wide range of interests. As a start-up future-facing company, we don’t view ourselves as a monolithic organization with one business model. Instead, we have core products serving our current customers. We are also creating new products for current customers. At the same time, we hold transformational innovations, namely massively parallel intellectual technologies that allow us to create new products for new markets.


Dmitri Pescianschi


Dmitri Pescianschi is the Chief Innovation Officer of NeuroCorn and its co-founder.

Mr. Pescianschi has gained over 25 years’ experience in IT development. Skilled in all phases of the software development lifecycle. He's passionate about artificial intelligence (AI) and is involved in AI research and development already for twenty years. Mr. Pescianschi is the principal author of a number of patents and publications in the field of artificial neural networks. He successfully headed the development of various AI applications based on neural networks in several companies.

Dmitri is a continuous learner who further expands skills and knowledge in new programming languages and technologies. Dmitri is a transhumanist and passionately believes that the future goes hand in hand with the development of artificial neural networks technology.

From 2014 to 2016 Mr. Pescianschi was the principal investigator and a Chief Scientist Officer of the company Progress Inc. (USA).
Mr. Pescianschi is a co-founder of Intelligent Neural Networks Inc. (USA) where he serves on the board of directors and directs research and development in the field of Intelligent Systems Engineering.
Mr. Pescianschi is the co-founder of PyBridge UG (Germany), where he holds the position of CEO and implements ideas that make life of programmers easier.

Ilya Sorokin


Ilya Sorokin - Chief Executive Officer of the Company and its co-founder.

Mr. Sorokin has nearly 30 years of Executive Management and Information Technology experience. Mr. Sorokin has provided consulting services to such companies as Microsoft Corporation, NASDAQ, AIG, Aetna, among many others.

Mr. Sorokin’s experience includes the founding and management of several companies, including: Integrated Solutions, Inc, an IT consulting firm which have completed many multi-million high-tech projects; ActTrader Technologies, Inc. a technology company who have served over 100 brokerages and over a million traders worldwide; 3D Game Market a gaming technology company creating new immersive gaming experience, and finally Intelligent Neural Networks a revolutionary company in the field of Artificial Intelligence and hyper performance microprocessors.
Sorokin’s strength is in building highly efficient and effective technology companies with focus on revenue generation. Unique ability to translate vision into reality, which includes identifying opportunities, developing company strategy, creating company infrastructure, putting together a most qualified management team, dealing with strategic and operational issues, as well as public and investor relations.

Dr. Anastassia Boudichevskaia


Dr. Anastassia Boudichevskaia - Chief Science Officer of the Company and its co-founder.

Dr. Boudichevskaia brings more than 20 years of experience as a scientist in molecular biology of plants, statistics and bioinformatics. During the last seven years her special focus is on the analysis of big biological data.

Dr. Boudichevskaia earned a Master's degree at the Russian State Agrarian University (Moscow, Russia); specialization in genetics and plant breeding of crops. She hold her Ph.D. from the Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany.

Anastassia works with customers and the team of NeuroCorn to drive product vision and to deliver an effective product to clients.